Course Info

Readings and Links

You will find PDFs of readings and links to films/broadcasts in this section. The materials are grouped by week. Please make sure to print off readings to have handy in class on the day of discussion. Be sure to check the schedule for a full list of the readings/viewing for each week as this page only contains the extra materials.

Week 1 (8/30): Cull_Selling War | London Can Take It (film)

Week 3 (9/13):  Forever England introduction

Week 5 (9/27): Woolf_”Middlebrow” | Ministry of Food recipes | Chamberlain’s “Declaration of War” (audio)

Week 6 (10/4): Priestley Broadcasts | Bowen_”Preface” and “In the Square”

Week 7 (10/11): Knoppes and Black_Hollywood Goes to War | Film Art | McFarlane_Novel to Film | Rebecca (film) | Mrs. Miniver (film)

Week 8 (10/18): Woolf_”Thoughts on Peace in an Air-Raid” Tambimuttu_Out of this War (Section III, pp. 13-14) | Fires Were Started

Week 9 (10/25): Bowen_”The Demon Lover” | Stewart_”The Auditory Uncanny in Wartime London” | The Ministry of Fear (film) ignore the subtitles on this version

Week 10 (11/1): Churchill Speeches: “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” (audio) / transcript and “Their Finest Hour” (audio) / transcript | Propaganda Posters from the National ArchivesForeign Correspondent (film)

Week 11 (11/8): Mass Observation_The Pub and The People (pp. 255-269)

Week 12 (11/15): Rau_The Common Frontier

Week 14 (11/29): Mass Observation_The Pub and The People (pp. 1-51)

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