As you have probably noticed by now, this course will be a fair amount of work. It is my hope, however, that you will get enjoyment from this multimodal immersion into WWII British history and culture. To help you “Keep Calm and Carry On” as our tea-drinking blitz survivor is doing in this blog post’s image, I have amassed some course survival tips for you.
- Don’t leave anything (reading, blog posts, writing, digital project) to the last minute.
- You have on average a book per week to read. DO NOT leave this until Tuesday. Instead, break up your reading over the week and do an hour or so every night.
- If something is difficult to understand… slow down, take a break, reread.
- Take copious notes on what you are reading. Respond to and ask questions about the texts/films/broadcasts/historical documents/critical essays as you read them.
- Starting in week 1 of the course, keep a separate list of possible research topics for your final paper.
- Plan, draft, write, revise, and copyedit everything you write for this course. This includes the cultural blog posts, shorter essays, research paper, and group digital project.
- Have fun with the material! Feel free to be creative and run ideas by me.
- Most importantly: If you don’t understand something, come speak with me as soon as possible. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.
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